Asian History Trivia

Asian history encompasses a vast array of events, cultures, and civilizations that have shaped the world we live in today. From ancient dynasties to modern movements, the history of Asia is rich and complex, offering endless opportunities for learning and exploration. Test your knowledge of Asian history with these trivia questions that span the breadth of this diverse and fascinating continent.

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Asian History Trivia Questions

  1. What was the capital of Japan before Tokyo?
  2. Who was the first Emperor of China?
  3. What ancient trade route connected China to the Mediterranean?
  4. Which Indian emperor converted to Buddhism and spread its teachings across Asia?
  5. What is the name of the ancient civilization that developed along the Indus River?
  6. Who founded the Mongol Empire?
  7. Which Korean kingdom unified the Korean Peninsula in the 7th century?
  8. What was the primary religion of the Khmer Empire?
  9. In which century did the Ottoman Empire capture Constantinople?
  10. Who was the famous admiral who led seven naval expeditions during the Ming Dynasty?
  11. What was the capital of the Byzantine Empire?
  12. Which Southeast Asian country was known as Siam until 1939?
  13. What year did the Tiananmen Square Massacre occur?
  14. Which dynasty was ruling China during the construction of the Great Wall?
  15. Who was the founder of the Mughal Empire in India?
  16. What was the primary language of the ancient Mesopotamian civilization?
  17. Which Vietnamese emperor defeated the Chinese at the Battle of Bach Dang in 938?
  18. What was the original name of Ho Chi Minh City?
  19. Who was the first President of the Republic of China?
  20. Which empire is known for its vast network of roads and a system of couriers?
  21. Who was the last Emperor of China?
  22. Which Indian city was the capital of the Maurya Dynasty?
  23. What ancient Japanese code of conduct was followed by the samurai?
  24. Which Chinese philosopher is known for his teachings recorded in the Analects?
  25. What year did the Meiji Restoration begin in Japan?
  26. Who was the first Sultan of the Ottoman Empire?
  27. Which Southeast Asian country was colonized by France in the 19th century?
  28. What year did India gain independence from British rule?
  29. Who was the leader of the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia?
  30. Which empire built the iconic Angkor Wat temple complex?
  31. What was the primary writing system used in ancient Egypt?
  32. Who was the Persian king who built the great palace complex at Persepolis?
  33. Which Chinese dynasty is considered the Golden Age of Chinese civilization?
  34. What was the name of the Japanese suicide pilots during World War II?
  35. Who was the Indian independence leader who advocated for non-violent resistance?
  36. What empire was ruled by Genghis Khan and his descendants?
  37. Which Chinese explorer is known for his travels to the Western world during the Han Dynasty?
  38. What major event marked the end of the Qing Dynasty in China?
  39. Who was the founder of modern Turkey?
  40. What year did the Korean War begin?
  41. Which ancient Indian text is considered one of the earliest works of literature?
  42. Who was the famous female ruler of the Egyptian Ptolemaic Kingdom?
  43. Which Japanese city was the first to be bombed with an atomic bomb?
  44. What ancient Indian university was a major center of learning in the 5th century?
  45. Who was the Chinese leader responsible for the Cultural Revolution?
  46. Which Southeast Asian kingdom was known for its wealth and trade in the early centuries AD?
  47. What year did the Vietnamese communist forces capture Saigon, ending the Vietnam War?
  48. Which Persian Empire was defeated by Alexander the Great?
  49. What was the ancient Chinese philosophy that emphasized harmony with nature?
  50. Who was the leader of the Communist Party of China during the Chinese Civil War?
  51. Which city served as the capital of Japan during the Edo period?
  52. What is the name of the oldest surviving epic poem in the world, originating from Mesopotamia?
  53. Who was the famous Indian emperor known for his rock edicts?
  54. Which empire is known for its legendary warrior class, the samurai?
  55. What year did Bangladesh gain independence from Pakistan?
  56. Which Chinese leader opened China to foreign investment in the late 20th century?
  57. Who was the founder of the Sui Dynasty in China?
  58. What is the name of the Indonesian national hero who fought against Dutch colonialism?
  59. What year did the British Raj in India officially end?
  60. Which ancient Mesopotamian ruler is famous for his code of laws?

Asian History Trivia Answers

  1. Kyoto
  2. Qin Shi Huang
  3. The Silk Road
  4. Ashoka
  5. The Indus Valley Civilization
  6. Genghis Khan
  7. Silla
  8. Hinduism and later Buddhism
  9. 15th century (1453)
  10. Zheng He
  11. Constantinople
  12. Thailand
  13. 1989
  14. The Qin Dynasty
  15. Babur
  16. Sumerian
  17. Ngô Quyền
  18. Saigon
  19. Sun Yat-sen
  20. The Persian Empire
  21. Puyi
  22. Pataliputra
  23. Bushido
  24. Confucius
  25. 1868
  26. Osman I
  27. Vietnam
  28. 1947
  29. Pol Pot
  30. The Khmer Empire
  31. Hieroglyphics
  32. Darius the Great
  33. The Tang Dynasty
  34. Kamikaze
  35. Mahatma Gandhi
  36. The Mongol Empire
  37. Zhang Qian
  38. The Xinhai Revolution (1911)
  39. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
  40. 1950
  41. The Rigveda
  42. Cleopatra VII
  43. Hiroshima
  44. Nalanda University
  45. Mao Zedong
  46. The Srivijaya Kingdom
  47. 1975
  48. The Achaemenid Empire
  49. Daoism (Taoism)
  50. Mao Zedong
  51. Edo (Tokyo)
  52. The Epic of Gilgamesh
  53. Ashoka
  54. The Japanese Empire
  55. 1971
  56. Deng Xiaoping
  57. Emperor Wen of Sui
  58. Diponegoro
  59. 1947
  60. Hammurabi


Asian history is a tapestry woven with the threads of countless civilizations, leaders, and events that have left an indelible mark on the world. From the philosophical teachings of Confucius to the military conquests of Genghis Khan, the continent's history is as diverse as it is profound. By exploring these trivia questions, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the rich cultural heritage and historical milestones that define Asia. Whether you are a history buff or a curious learner, the journey through Asian history is both enlightening and inspiring.

For more information on Asian history, visit the Wikipedia page on History of Asia.

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I am Nick, one of the co-founder and admin of Trivia Plane, a fun website dedicated to trivia quizzes and getting to know you questions. With a lifelong passion for learning new things and connecting with others, we created Trivia Plane in 2023 as a place for people to challenge their knowledge, discover fascinating facts, and bond over lighthearted questions. As the admin, I am committed to making Trivia Plane a positive, welcoming, and entertaining space for trivia buffs and anyone looking to take a break from the seriousness of life with some friendly competition.

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